Getting Started

When you browse to LifeSize UVC Video Center without logging in, you can view any public video. Click a video's title or thumbnail to play the video.

TIP: Search for videos by title, owner, description, or tags.

When you log in, you can access and comment on videos you have permission to watch. You can also access your profile.

If you are logged in and own a video, you can delete it or edit its properties. Administrators can delete or edit properties of all videos.

The Home page organizes videos as follows:

Option Description
Featured Videos Videos that administrators have highlighted on the Home page.
Live Videos Live streams in progress.

Click Live Videos in the navigation bar for a list of all live streams.

You can click the owner to view his or her user profile page, or a tag to see videos that share that tag. If the live stream is from another (federated) LifeSize UVC Video Center, hostname:owner from the federated Video Center appears instead.

Channels The top 10 channels sorted by the number of videos available to the user. Click a channel name to view only videos assigned to that channel. Videos can be assigned to administrator-defined channels or to the Main (default) channel.

Click View all channels to list all channels with videos that the user has permission to view. If a channel does not include at least one video the user may view, that channel does not appear.

You can also view available channels by clicking Channels in the navigation bar.

Recent Videos Thumbnails of the most recently recorded videos.

Click Recent Videos in the navigation bar or View all videos to access all videos stored on the server. Sort videos by recording date or owner.